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Kameron - Profile Picture

Kameron Douglas

Who Am I and Where Am I from?

Hello, my name is Kameron Douglas and I’m a weather enthusiast and founder of the JCTV Weather Center. I’m from a small town in Southern Indiana called North Vernon and currently reside in Evansville, Indiana.


What started my interest in meteorology?

Ever since I was a kid, I've always had an interest in radio and television. Upon developing great fascination in these fields, I've had many opportunities to learn and gain experience in both radio and TV. The first was when I was only eight years old. I was given the opportunity to visit a radio station in Columbus, Indiana called WYGS. I would listen to this station frequently as it featured one of my favorite genres of music "Southern Gospel." I would generally listen each morning while I was getting ready for school. The station featured a show called "The Big Al Morning Show." Oftentimes when I listened to the show I would call into the station and speak to the DJ "Al" and request songs. After several phone conversations with Al, he offered to let me visit the station and be a guest DJ. This experience included me getting my own radio handle "Little Kam." The radio show then became "The Little Kam and Big Al Morning Show." The show took place during the station's sharathon. My job was to announce the station's phone numbers, so the listeners could call and participate in the sharathon. I also announced some of the songs before they would start playing.  More than ever, I thought this was a very cool experience and I’m grateful for the opportunity, especially at the young age I was. Beyond this experience came my interest in broadcast meteorology. Every morning my parents would have the local news on the TV, and at about 7:20am the weather would come on. I enjoyed this moment because I liked knowing what the weather would be for the day, prior to heading out the door for school. This was only part of what fueled my interest. The other was watching severe weather coverage. During that coverage it didn’t matter to me where the severe weather was happening. I just enjoyed watching the coverage – seeing all the tools the meteorologist uses to track the storms. Those being tools like radar and velocity. While I enjoyed watching severe weather coverage, I wasn’t a fan of lightning. That was especially at night. It wasn’t too uncommon for me to end up sleeping with my parents. Plus, sometimes turning on their TV to find out information about the storms taking place. The stations I grew up watching were based out of Louisville, Kentucky. To this day I still remember most of the names of the meteorologist that I would watch. I still watch most of them to this day, despite some of them moving onto other stations. It’s all these different experiences and my desire to keep others informed and safe during severe weather – that drives me to pursue a career in broadcast meteorology.


How did the JCTV Weather Center get its founding?

When I was an incoming high school freshman, I discovered that a TV productions class was being offered. However, it was only offered to Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors. Therefore, I couldn’t take the course. This was only until I met the instructor of the course at a school event for incoming freshmen. During this moment I expressed my interest in the course to him. He put me to a challenge – which was to say the word “Precipitation” correctly. So, I attempted the challenge and said the word correctly. I ended up taking the course all four years of high school. During my time in the course, I served as one of the weather anchors for the school newscast that aired on local cable in my hometown. Throughout my time of producing the weather segment I decided to name my part of the show “JCTV Weather Center.” I chose this name because the school news channel was called JCTV News. Aside from being part of the school newscast I was given the opportunity to participate in the course field trips. These trips were to news stations in Indianapolis – CBS4Indy and Fox59. While there, I had the experience of meeting CBS4Indy Meteorologist John Dissauer and Fox59 Meteorologist Brian Wilkes. These moments of meeting each of these Meteorologist were truly exciting to me and I'm very grateful for the opportunity. These were the best school field trips ever! Special Thanks to Jeff Green!



I attended the University of Southern Indiana for 7 years. For the first two years I majored in Environmental Science. It was after the second year I decided to reevaluate the major I had chosen. This was because I was finding the subjects within the major to be difficult. The reevaluation included the experience of job shadowing 14 News First Alert Chief Meteorologist Jeff Lyons. Through this experience it helped me realize that majoring in radio and television would be a better fit. So, by Fall of 2019 I redeclared my major to radio and television. I feel that my decision to change majors was a good decision because I found that the course fit my interests and just overall enjoyed them better. Fast forward to May 2024 – I officially graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Radio & Television and a minor in Digital Video.


SETV - Access USI

During my time at USI, I was involved with the campus television station. The name of the station is “SETV.” My involvement with the station was being the weather anchor for the weekly show “Access USI.” My segment was very similar to what I’ve done here on my platforms for JCTV Weather Center. Though it did have some minor differences.


Beyond Doing the Weather

I’m currently active with my part-time job as a video editor -- at 14 News the NBC Affiliate, In Evansville, Indiana. Outside of that I do a lot of cat napping during the day because I work graveyard shift hours. On the weekends I catch up on chores I didn’t get completed during the week. I try in mix in a little fun – shopping and eating at the many different restaurants to chose from in Evansville. I then wrap up my weekend on Sunday by going to Church, cooking a meal for the week, taking care of any last-minute preps for the week ahead and then it’s off to bed.


My Favorite Type of Weather

My favorite type of weather is SNOW!!!! When winter comes around, I usually want a couple of big snows (8+ Inches). But as for Southern Indiana big snows are generally hard to come by but not impossible. I’m always hopeful! #BOTS (Bring on The Snow)


Thanks For Stopping By

Kameron Douglas

 Copyrights 2024 - JCTV Weather Center

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